Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Interpellation in advertisements

After reading the assigned pages, I learned that interpellation is a term used by Marxist theorist Louis Althusser to describe the process by which ideological systems called out to or "hail" social subjects and tell them their place in the system. In proper culture, interpellation refers to the ways that cultural products address their consumers and recruit them into particular ideological position. Images can be said to designate the kind of viewer, they help to shape us as particular ideological subjects. If you flip threw a magazine, you will see this all too much. Advertisements are all about interpellation.
The role interpellation plays in advertisements is, crucial to good advertisements. If you find your favorite beauty product for example, you will see that their is most likely a model, and she is probably looking happy, young, and beautiful. Womens place in the system is to be beautiful, happy, and of course she has got to look young, even when she is sixty years old, advertisement comapnies target women around the ages of 30-50 to start making them think about getting old, wrinklkes, grey hair, and how to prevent it from happening. Even men for that matter, are targeted to make them self concious about getting old, greying, balding or thinning of the hair, and wrinkles are all things that are taken into consideration when trying to sell beauty products to anyone. When advertisements interpellate images, they target them at individuals. They make them easy for people to understand, and make them seem as if that ad were specifically for them. They do not try to aim for a group of people, they seek individuals. They make things very personal for the consumer. It is a known fact that images interpellate viewers. Images and media texts seem to call out to us, and catch our attention.
As I continued my reading, I learned about aesthetics and kitsch. I learned that aesthetics is a branch of philosophy that is concerned with judgements of sentiment and taste. The term can be used to mean the philosophy of art, which considers art's meaning and value in light of standards such as beauty and truth. Postmodern theorists questioned the universalizing claims of aesthetic judgment. I then went on to read about how kitsch comes into play with all of this. i learned that the meaning of the word kitsch is art or literature judged to have little or no aesthetic value, yet that has value precisely because of its status in evoking the class standards of bad tatse. Afficionados of kitsch thus recode kitsch objects, such as lava lamps and tacky 1950's suburban furniture, as good rather than bad taste. Kitsch can also refer to cultural objects and images that interpellate viewers in easy codes of sentimentalism.
After reading about the relationship between tatse and kitsch I understood it much more. And the relationship between the two is, tatse, is known as the shared artistic and cultural values of a particular social community or individual. Everyone known about tatse. But kitsch on the other hand, I believe is someone who find the things that are labeled with bad tatse, intriguing. Kitsch is bad tatse, or cheap tatse in a way. Someone known that not everyone likes it, some may find it to be tacky, but they enjoy it and find that to be good tatse.An example would be the old lady that loved leopard print, or animal skins. Most find it to be tacky, but she thinks it shows good style and loves it and wears it any way that she can.

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